Young Living Business Opportunity

Young Living essential oils are an amazing tool to help balance mood and create harmony in our lives. You can also get creative in how you share the oils with others. Basic Starter kit ' $45. I don't care if you're young or old, single or married, have a house full of littles or are newly retired - I am confident that Young Living Oils can be life-changing for everyone.

And I can also tell you from experience that any time I HAVE tried to appeal to the business appetites of budding network marketing entrepreneurs by suggesting they consider the Young Living opportunity, I have abysmally failed because they don't get it. Young Living is not for network marketers, its for real people wanting to make real change in their own lives and inspiring others to want to make changes in their lives too.

People order their own stuff from Young Living - you provide the support and help them learn about the products. I wish the more established uplines spent more time teaching their team about the oils and growing their business. Until you reach some basic milestones in the business, they” say that you should be putting all your money back into the business, sending books, oils and other supplies to your team.

Also, there's no monthly requirement with Young Living so there's no pressure put on anyone to buy products, or to promote them if you don't wish. They also have never had to go on antibiotics for a secondary infection, so I believe that the essential oils help to bolster immunity so that your body helps to fight off disease more effectively.

Some of the essential oil brands process their products with a higher heat and as a result their essential oils do not have all the properties plus may contain toxicants. Thank you for having courage to state your concerns and experience with YL oils. It does not matter how high-quality” they might be, it is not feasible to expect a decent income from promoting the products without in-depth marketing training.

Distributors have to buy about $100 worth of merchandise per month in order to receive commissions on their Young Living sales, according ton the New Yorker, and 94% of the company's two million active members made less than $1 each in all of 2016. Considering that you would have to buy these products monthly, it is virtually impossible to even break even, let alone make profits.

Please reach out to me by phone , text 561-945-5349 or email Debbiehillyl@ if you have any questions about Young Living products or the business. Each year as Young Living Essential Oils meets the criteria in its contract with the state, it will earn a portion of the total tax credit incentive.

It may take time to gain some momentum in your income production if you have a limited network. There are essential oils that help with meditation, spirituality, or essential oils that will simply help relax and fall asleep. The public sees them as a pop culture” version and not the trustworthy version of essential oils usage supported by professional Aromatherapists.

Essential oils could've helped her sooner. Share about the Premium Starter Kit since it's the best deal. So many families have found that it is VERY possible to Young Living build a profitable, purposeful, part-time or full-time business sharing their love of essential oils with others.

I was told, you'll have your kit by Friday.” Friday came and went and I called again…only to be told the same thing multiple times and it still didn't show up. I received a partial kit (the written info and the diffuser), but no oils…which of course was the bulk of why I had invested such a large sum.

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